Forget the Arena, get to the Gym!
I love Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the arena speech, I absolutely love it.
But let’s pause for a second.
For some of you, you need to set your thoughts aside about stepping into an Arena when you can’t even get your A%$ to the gym!
You want to be fit, have a great body, possibly even compete in a certain area, but you’re not even showing up to do the daily work that’s required.
Yes, Gym first, Arena later.
This goes for all areas of life.
You’re dreaming about being successful in Business, or Real Estate, but you’re not putting in the work every day.
You want to have a great marriage, or be a great parent, but once again, you’re not putting in the work every day.
Forget the grand visions for now.
Focus on the WORK required.
Becoming great doesn’t happen overnight, nor by stepping into an Arena.
People get slaughtered in the Arena without putting in the work required.
Look at: Obesity rates, Divorce rates, business failure rates……
It’s because people have stepped into the Arena’s without putting in the work required.
Result: Slaughter
It all starts with showing up to the ‘gym’ each and every day.
Build yourself, build your business, build your relationships each and every day.
Get. To. The. Gym.
Put in the work required in your relationships, health, business, so that someday, yes, you can show up in that Arena and perform greatly.
But until then my friend, set the shine to the side, and get to work or you can forget ever stepping into that Arena.
*If you’re finding your unable to get that ‘charge’ you need to get to the Gym to move towards becoming the Man you know can be, send me a message and I’ll send you details about a weekly small group training session I run each and every week that helps Men to BRKTHRU and get back into the gym of Life & Business so they can show up and win in the Arenas of life.