WEALTH PASSAGE: New Weekly Commitments

Time to Report Live with your upcoming weeks Commitments!

Come on, fill it out. This is the path to Results!

List your Impossible Game Goals here. The Focus is BUSINESS OUTCOMES, but feel free to create Impossible Game outcomes for other areas of life in Faith, Family & Fitness. Each domain will have 1-4 Specific Impossible Game Outcomes you are committed to by the end of the year.
List 1-4 Key Outcomes you must accomplish this month that will move you closer to accomplishing your Impossible Game. These should be POSSIBLE Outcomes that you are committed to accomplishing by the end of the month.
List specific items you are taking this week to improve and increase your Deal Flow. *For example list as: [SAT] Commitment for that day [SUN] Commitment for that day [MON] Commitment for that day [TUE] Commitment for that day [WED] Commitment for that day [THUR] Commitment for that day [FRI] Commitment for that day
List specific items you are taking this week to improve and increase your Private Capital resources.




*For example list as:

[SAT] Commitment for that day

[SUN] Commitment for that day

[MON] Commitment for that day

[TUE] Commitment for that day

[WED] Commitment for that day

[THUR] Commitment for that day

[FRI] Commitment for that day

If you're answer is NO, put N/A
If you're answer is YES, put N/A

WEEKLY WAR COMMITMENTS are the 4 crucial Business Activities that you need to focus on this week that will lead you to accomplish your Monthly Mission.

Most often, these KEY 4 Targets will be 'bite sized' pieces that will help produce the end Result of your 90-Day Target.


~ Meeting with Private Lender

~ Meeting with Agent/Wholesaler

~ Write Blog Post

~ Record Marketing video

~ Set up marketing campaign

~ Choose Domain Name

~ Research Hosting Options

~ Post job description on Elance

~ Begin to outline website layout and page format

How many Leads are you going to generate this week?
Be honest, are you going to make some offers this week?

If so, enter that number here.

How many deals are you going to analyze this week?
How many contracts are you looking to get accepted this week?
*This is CASH-MONEY in your account that you can spend!
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.