Posted on / by Brant Phillips / in Blogs

B . R . O . K . E . N…..H . E . A . R . T .

Do you feel unable to do what you want to do?

Are there things you wish you could stop doing, but you just can’t stop?

The question is why?

Why are you unable to do the things that you claim you want to do?

And what inside of you is compelling you to do the very things that you want to stop doing?

Is there something wrong in your mind?

There are mental institutions specifically for people who’ve ‘lost their mind’.

Maybe you’ve lost your will?

Just look to the streets and the homeless shelters.

So many homeless and distraught who’ve lost their will to fight.

But what about the heart?

Where do you go for a broken heart?

Quoting John Eldredge, “Somehow we have overlooked the fact that this treasure called the heart can also be broken, has been broken, and now lies in pieces down under the surface. When it comes to ‘habits’ we cannot quit or patterns we cannot stop, anger that flies out of nowhere, fear we cannot overcome, or weaknesses we hate to admit-much of what troubles us comes out of the broken places in our hearts crying out for relief”

To begin to take back control of your life and actions, you must acknowledge that somewhere inside, you’re broken.

And you need to heal.

Your heart needs to be restored.

The ‘thing’ that is stopping you from doing the things you feel called to do.

And the ‘thing’ that prevents you from doing the things you no longer want to do…

Is a brokenness inside of your heart.

A broken heart is a divided heart.

This is the fraction you have inside.

Fix this and you get your power back.

Fix this and you come alive again.

But how?

The solution is simple. . . .yet HEAVY.


There are experiences, stories, hurts, pains, scars, failed expectations and deep wounds that you need to surrender.

It is time to let it go.

Lay it down.

And go to God.

Healing can occur.

Mending can be done.

Your Heart can be restored.

But you’re going to have to surrender and you must allow God’s healing to take place.

Stop pushing down the hurt.

Stop sedating.

Stop avoiding the truth.

It is time to do what needs to be done.

This brokenness is keeping you from everything you once dreamed of.

It is now time to confront and to heal so that your heart can be restored and can come alive again.

*Why do I share this?

And why do I write these things?

I lost my heart too, for a long time, and it hurt deeply and caused many pain and problems that could have been prevented.

But I got it back and found a way for others to do the same.

My mission is to help restore the brokenhearted Men in the world and restore them back to a place of Power & Production in their lives: spiritually, relationally, physically and financially.

If you’re struggling to do what you know you need to do,
And, unable to stop doing the things you know you need to stop doing, there’s no shame in this my friend, unless you continue on the path you’re on.

But if you’re ready to take back control, contact me and let’s get you moving back in the right direction.

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