Posted on / by Brant Phillips / in Vlog


For those of you thinking you’re going to randomly stumble upon your life’s purpose/vision/business idea/whatever without taking the first steps, consider again.

Viktor Frankl said something to the effect of, “you don’t invent your mission, you detect it”, or in other words, you uncover it.

For those of you in a place of being ‘stuck’ and not sure what to do, where to go and who you want to become in your life, understand, this is ok. IF….

Being in this place can be the beginning of discovering your mission IF you’re willing to go out and detect what it is you’re looking for.

Simply listen to the small still voice inside of you what you feel called to do and…

Start Small.

Take Action.

Begin taking the first steps to whatever may be on your heart.

The fact of the matter is this: YOU DON’T KNOW, WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW.

I started in Real Estate almost 10 years ago with simply a burning desire to leave my job and be a full-time entrepreneur.

I knew ZERO about real estate when I started.

And since then I’ve created a Construction Company, became a Speaker, Author and we’re launching a Property Management Company next month as well to better serve our investor clients and to provide better systems/processes to our tenants from the properties that we own.

As Viktor Frankl said, “you don’t invent your mission, you detect it”, so begin to uncover and detect what it is you are called to do with your time on this earth.

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