Posted on / by Brant Phillips / in Vlog

Fear is not your truth

As we step into this new year and begin to move forward in pursuing our dreams, understand that in this upwards movement to the ’Next Level’, we will certainly experience resistance and at times, sizable doses of doubt and fear.

The thing is… It is a fact that (most) fear is simply not true.

Feel free and take a closer look, but I think you will find that fear emirates from the thoughts you create around that particular set of circumstances.

And the best way to silence Fear?


You see, the ‘fears’ that you may have about your real estate dreams and creating the life you truly desire will continue to remain until you begin to take actions and create a new Truth and experience that YOU have the ability to step straight into your fears and not only have the ability to survive, but to THRIVE in that situation.

Look, reading books about Real Estate and watching videos of guys like me talking about doing real estate deals is all fine and dandy, but this is never going to create results for YOU.

Let’s face it… Nothing is going to change unless you make it happen.

This year, I challenge you to step into the fears that have been keeping you on the sidelines and begin to Trust in yourself to go out and make this year truly, the greatest year ever.

You MUST let go in order to Grow.

So let go of baggage and allow yourself the ability to fail as needed, and just as important, get back up when you fall.

I encourage you to….

Let go of the Past.

Let go of your Stories.

Let go of your Comfort Zone.

And step into your Fear and into your desired Results.

This is my challenge to you, my friend.

Don’t just talk about it or make some BS New Years resolution, but Be About It.

Go out and do it.

I’ll be here fighting along side you create an Epic new year.

All the best,

Brant Phillips

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