Fully Focused
I hadn’t seen my wife in 5 days from a business trip last week, and yesterday as we were sitting and talking, my wife ‘kindly’ brought to my attention that I was speaking to her in a ‘frustrated’ tone
Which, at first I admit, annoyed and frustrated me…yes, anytime I get the ‘tone’ remark, I tend to get triggered.
But yesterday, I paused, thought about my response, and she was right.
My mind was on some business matters and my response was coming from a different place than my conversation with her.
Here’s the thing, how often are you showing up in relationships, conversations and situations where you should be/could be focused but you’re not?
But we live in a world full of distractions and most live as creatures that are unable to be FULLY FOCUSED for any extended period of time.
Think about this.
What would you be capable of if you were 100% Focused & Dialed in?
How do you show up when spending time with your kids?
Fully Focused and present?
Or scrolling your phone and giving partial attention?
How about Business?
Most entrepreneurs I know are ‘chasing squirrels’ and bouncing from one thing to the next.
Much the same.
What kind of spouse could you be if you were fully focused and present with them?
There’s a greater version of you than you are giving to the world.
Your family, friends, clients and many others need this version of you.
Fully Focused.
Yes, the greatest version of you exists when you are Fully Focused & Present in your interactions with the people and projects that matter the most.
So give the most to the people & things that matter most.
Show up fully focused and present, and this is where the greatest version of you will be known.
*We have a few spots available for this week’s BRKTHRU training
(virtual) on Wednesday evening. If you’re experiencing the inability to create specific outcomes in your life and business and need guidance in helping you to access that greatest version of yourself, REPLY BACK to this email and request registration details.