Posted on / by Brant Phillips / in Vlog


As I’m writing this, I’m on a flight headed back home after an INTENSE training session at Sealfit 20x yesterday. I’m still at a loss for words about the whole experience. Possibly because my entire body is intensely sore and I only had a few hours of sleep last night. I have to say that I’ve done a few things in my life that have involved some pain, but I will admit, this was the most challenging and painful experience of my life–that’s saying something.

I have so much respect for the trainers and my fellow participants whom I was able to share this Sealfit experience with. Being trained by six Navy Seal soldiers throughout this grueling experience was no joke. At the same time, it was truly a life-changing event where I learned so many incredible lessons that I will take home with me.

What also stuck with me was seeing how our squads united and fought for one another; pushing each other to keep going when things were at their hardest. It was an amazing sight; it showed me how powerful and motivating teamwork could be.

Some people ask me why I do some of the things I do–and I’ve gotten that question a lot ever since I signed up for Sealfit. My answer is always: “I want to BE MORE.”

You see, at my core, I’m rarely content. I have a desire to always be better as a husband, father, friend, businessman, Real Estate investor, coach and mentor. I want to personally grow and expand based on the experiences I’ve gathered, and become all that God has planned for me. I want to also be able to share these stories and hopefully motivate and inspire others during my time on this earth.

But what many people don’t understand–or do understand but simply avoid–is in order to experience true growth and learning, we have to go through pain. Pain is the single greatest teacher there is–success doesn’t provide insight the way pain and failure do. In order for me to become the man I’m striving to be, I need to know my capabilities and I have to be able to stare all my fears down until they are gone. Once I’ve conquered them, it’s time to move on to the next stage of life in order to experience the next round of adventures, risks and yes, Pain.

Additionally, in order for me to be the man that I desire to be for others, I need to be able to offer a helping hand when they are experiencing their own pain and challenges. That’s why I choose to step into the arenas like Sealfit experiences, so I can be there for them when they are going through their own problems, and help them fight the feeling of wanting to give up.

At the end of the day, we are only given one life to live. Wherever you’re at, don’t avoid the work and pain that you’ve been dreading. The moment you choose to step in the arena and take it on may just be the exact moment you find the freedom you’ve been seeking.

All the best,

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