I decided to do a little Vlog about my experience
Stem Cell Vlog from Brant on Vimeo.
Well, I didn’t expect to receive the response it had when I made that Facebook post a couple weeks ago about having my stem cells procedure done, but it opened up the flood gates with people reaching out to me, messaging me, calling, texting me, etc. asking me about how it’s going, why I did it, the cost, and all types of things….
So I decided to do a little Vlog about my experience so far.
It’s a little long, but there is a lot to cover. I’ll share my injury history, what led to this procedure, the cost, why I had to go to Mexico, and some other things but in no way, shape or form am I a doctor, this is just my 2 Cents on my particular situation, what my expectations are and what my results are thus far….
Hope you enjoy and please comment and share with others below.