Posted on / by Brant Phillips / in Blogs

The Beauty at the Bottom

The Beauty at the Bottom

There is a Beautiful opportunity available to you when you hit a bottom that is not available to you at other points on the spectrum of life.

I’m not sure why it is.

I just know that it IS this way ~~> Most of the greatest opportunities for your growth will likely come after you’ve hit the hard, rock-ground bottom.

>> Spiritual Awakening

>> Relationship Restoration

>> Physical Focus/Change

>> Business Turnaround or Ingenuity

These moments mysteriously manifest AFTER we’ve hit some kind of proverbial ‘bottom’

The Beauty of the Bottom is that we get stripped of many/most of the B. S. stories that were unknowingly holding us down.

When we hit our bottom, we just want to breathe fresh air again and an opportunity to try again.

When our world gets rocked, we get humbled.

And from that place of humility and brokenness, many of our old frames in which we saw the world are shattered and the insertion of a new Frame and View of the World (or situation) is now available in your mental programming.

Enter: Rebirth

So for those of you who feel like you’ve hit a bottom, keep your eyes open, there are likely some beautiful opportunities lying right before you just waiting for you to step into them.

**If you need help turning your Bottom into a Brkthru, I run a weekly, live / Virtual, Real Estate Brkthru training for a small group of Men that are looking to level up in Life & Business.

This is for only a small group of people (5 max) so, if you would like to attend,



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