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The Best End of the Year Blog Post you will read this year

Really Brant? The Best End of the Year Blog post I will read this year??

Ok, I grant you, probably/maybe a slight overhype, but read on…

Hey, you may even win a prize as my Birthday gift to you….so read on….

Wow! Another year is almost over.

Isn’t it crazy how fast time passes??

I swear it gets faster the older you get… (I’ll be turning the big 45 tmw)

You know, as we wind down 2018, some of you reading this may be categorizing this is a difficult or even a ‘bad’ year.

For others, perhaps it was an amazing year.

While I truly hope this was an incredible year for you and others reading this email, but I know this simply wasn’t the case most people experienced.

But, whatever your experience was this year, it’s time to get ready to make 2019 an amazing year.

I’m making it one of my goals this year to help more people break free from their ‘9-5 grinds’ and create independence through real estate investing and entrepreneurship. So….


-What do you want to accomplish in 2019?
-What do you want to experience in 2019?
-What ACTIONS are you going to take to change your life in 2019?

And NO, I don’t really care about ‘New Year Resolutions’.

Resolutions generally fail. #FACT.


I’m more interested in what specific ACTIONS you are going to take to achieve RESULTS.


It’s simple: resolutions only require words.

While Actions require efforts that lead to Results. Good or bad. #FACT

So, if you’re looking for a TRANSFORMATION in your business and your lifestyle, you need to start right now in creating a dedicated MINDSET, which is without a doubt, the first step to SUCCESS.

I’m guessing/hoping you already have a list of GOALS set out to accomplish.

Maybe you want to do your first investment deal, or flip 10 houses, or get your cash flow above $10k per month, or raise private money, or just figure out a way to QUIT YOUR J-O-B!

Whatever it is…remember that this can be YOUR year.

And YOU can accomplish whatever it is YOU want to do!

Here’s my simple suggestion:
Instead of focusing on your RESOLUTIONS, focus on the specific Actions you are going to commit to taking to produce your RESULTS.

“But Brant…where do I start taking action? I don’t even know where to start…”

Start here ==>
What RESULTS do you desire MOST for the new year?

Write them down right now!

For example, I mentioned that one of my goals this year to help more people quit their “real” jobs and find financial independence through real estate investing and entrepreneurship.

Do you want to know a few of my action steps to make this happen?

Here it is:

I’m launching a weekly, training program that is going 100% f.r.-e-e. No cost at all.
Filled with content and usable information that people can I apply in their business.
And I also have a goal to drive our new/Coming Soon YouTube channel to over 5,000 subscribers by the end of the year.

…So….now it’s your time….C’mon, DO THIS if you’re really committed:
Write a result you’d like to achieve in 2019 and a very short/concise action plan that you will take next year to make it happen.

SEND IT TO ME by 1 of 2 ways:

DON’T EMAIL IT TO ME…You see, when you make a public declaration, you’re more likely to follow through with the required actions.

Nevertheless, whoever sets the most impressive goal/action plan for 2019 will WIN a F-R-E-E copy of my recently released PRIVATE LENDER PLAYBOOK.

Just look around…Opportunity is everywhere…

But it’s only visible for those who are taking action and doing ‘the stuff’.

To be honest, the amount of opportunity available is almost ridiculous, and if you’re like me and many other focused entrepreneurs, its overwhelming!
(This is a good thing)

But look, you only have so much time in a day/month/year, so that’s why it’s extremely important that you are focusing on something that is going to allow you to break free and achieve the worthy goals you’ve set out to do.

So make sure the Actions you’re taking are leading to the results you are seeking.

So my pledge to you right now is to do everything I can to help you make 2019 the year you deserve IF you’re committed to what you need to do.

And I will continue to share with you everything I know is that working – for not only my own business – but also in the businesses of my inner-circle of friends and peers (who I’m blessed to say are some of the most successful entrepreneurs around)

Sound good?

Start now….start by Writing a result you’d like to achieve in 2019 and a short action plan that you will take in 2019 to make it happen.

THEN, send it to me via

1. Publicly post your 2019 result/actions on my Facebook page.

2. Post it to this blog post that you can find on my website at <>

Anyways, I truly hope I’m helping to make a contribution to your life & business.

If so, it’s an honor.

And for those of you who aren’t taking action (yet), I love you too…

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