The ODDS? They suck….

What are the ODDS?
I don’t know your situation, but I can almost guarantee you that your odds suck.
I don’t even know what it is that you want or what your goals are.
I just know this:
Many of the odds will be stacked against you.
They’re stacked against you in life.
…..ex. Most marriages in divorce
…..ex. Most Men are overweight and out of shape
And they’re stacked against you in business.
…..ex. 80-90% of businesses fail
Get over it.
Of course, no one likes to be or feel weak or victimized.
Sure, it would be easier to begin your business or start investing if you had piles of cash or a rich Uncle to help you out.
It would be a heck of a lot easier if your Spouse supported you
Or if you weren’t stuck in some job you hate.
Or if the market conditions weren’t ________.
And on and on… .
That’s you vs your odds.
Yes, you’re severely outnumbered by your obstacles from where you are today.
The question is, where could you be tomorrow if you start making some changes today?
Where could your marriage be (even though it may feel beyond repair) if you became intentional with your words as you began to listen more to your spouse?
Where could the relationship be with your children be if you started devoting focused attention and intention to them?
Where could you take your health/fitness if you summoned up the discipline (that you know you lack) and created that version of you that you feel proud of when you look in the mirror?
And where could you take your finances and business ventures if you stopped worrying about all the limitations you have and started executing from what you have available to you?
Look Chachie, it’s time to get over it.
Some things you cannot change.
But what you can change is all that matters and what matters most.
Change and Control what you can change and control, which is your:
So stop running.
Stop hiding.
Stop looking for someone or something to come and save you.
Start taking specific, strategic actions that will, one by one, help you gain even little victories.
And continue.
Day By Day.
And step by step.
‘For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.’
Move steadily towards that vision that you have for your life and business.
Yes the odds are against you today.
But by taking specific, committed daily actions…
Soon, the odds will be in your favor….
Then my friend, the compound effect will take place.
And you’ll play life and business at a whole other level.
But that’s for then, let’s get back to the now.
You have work to do.
So what are you waiting for?
Go get after it my friend, start knocking down those odds one by one.
I started my business when I was broke, living in an apartment, with no experience (in business nor real estate), using a credit card and from that place in a very short period of time built a real estate net worth in the millions along with several successful companies, including one Inc 5000 company.
Also, along the way, I’ve messed some sh*t up.
I’ve been on the brink of divorce, struggled severely with alcoholism, severed my relationship with God and just been through some really dark places.
Needless to say, I’ve learned some things over the years through my trials, tribulations, times of suck and times of success.
And I’m here now to Guide Men out of the pits of life and financial despair to get back into a position of Power & Production.
I have a blend of life and business training that I share weekly called, ‘Real Estate Brkthru’.
This training is limited to only 5 men per week (because it requires participation from those who attend).
The training is booked most weeks, so if you want to get scheduled for one of the future dates, message me and we’ll get you the details so you can hop on sometime.
If you know it’s time to begin knocking down the obstacles and stacking the odds back in your favor, hit me up, and let’s get you back on track to the Man you need to be.