Men say, 'I want the best' for my family. But they model mediocrity. If you want 'the best' for your family, this will actually start and end with you. How...
You're holding back. Playing it safe. You have a Calling. And you have gifts. But you're sitting, waiting, watching the world go by…being stagnant. The world needs you to RISE....
Are you playing the odds? Playing it safe? Too afraid to step off the 'Main St' path you see others walking on? I get it Safety and security are effective...
Trinity: What's he doing? Morpheus: He's beginning to believe. What is he beginning to believe? Who he really is. If you recall, from towards the end of The Matrix, Neo,...
If you've heard it once, or a thousand times, it doesn't matter, but what does matter is the sooner that you can comprehend that the problems that you have are...
If you're an Entrepreneur, or just someone who's driven to create outcomes, we all know the importance of setting clear goals and reviewing them frequently. I review my goals for...
Learning to fail by 'intentionally failing' to learn is a thing. Yes, intentionally failing in order to learn is a thing that you should learn if you haven't already. Here...
Broke, Burned out or Bored with Life? Many a Man has found himself in this place. What to do? Where to go? Start with the Heart. Chances are, if you're...
Have you really tried everything? It's easy to say you've tried everything. Yet it's another thing to actually persist until... Persisting towards a goal when it 'feels as if' you've...
Want a simple, 1, 2, 3 process to become a bad ass? Here it is. 1. Set Targets 2. Continue moving towards them 3. Don't Quit pretty simple right? So...
No, this is not an effective strategy for real estate or life... Certain markets can ruin folks because they make things too easy for seasons and because of that, they...
You have a Genius inside of you. You may not be the smartest, brightest or best looking. You may be in a place where the odds are stacked against you....
Most oftentimes, problems aren't as bad as they seem. This is usually the case. We as people, make mountains out of Molehills. But sometimes, a problem shows up in your...
Something on your heart? Maybe something that's been there for a while... Feels a bit like it's 'calling' you to it. It's because that's exactly what's happening. Many of you...
We've all heard that perspective is Everything. You've surely had some event or situation in your life that was seemingly catastrophic but you somehow were able to change how you...
We went to a Family Counseling session today This was the start of a monthly session with the kids and Tara and I also started going again monthly as well...
Yes, the more reps you get the more proficient you're going to be. But the QUALITY of your Reps will drastically speed up the timeline of results. If you're practicing...
You want to produce better Results in your Life & Business (AKA: Fruit). But for some reason, you continually struggle to get the results you want. ~~> Body not working/looking...
No, not always, but this was my experience last night. I took a plant medicine 'trip' (mushrooms) last night for the first time ever. It was a small dose, but...
This morning when I began to write, I had nothing. Even though I had several enticing thoughts after my morning reading, my mind was all of a sudden blank. When...
Somedays: Winning Is Just Showing Up When it comes to creating great things in your life, somedays, 'Winning' is just showing up. This isn't a post to get too deep...
You may not understand the Power you possess with the perception you place on the events that happen in your life, but you should. Because the choices you make through...
Think about this one. What are some things that are way ‘far off' goals? They’re probably sitting on your ‘someday’ shelf. Yes, these are the goals that may even seem...
What if you were only one Breakthrough away? Would you continue to push through the adversity and challenges you're going through? You bet you would. Perhaps you are just that...
Benjamin Franklin wrote, "The things which hurt, instructs" And I agree. Mostly... But Benjamin Franklin didn't live in today's world. If he were here today, he'd probably tweak that quote...